I'm currently at my precious grandparents' farm with my parents and my sister and my husband. The week has been full of relaxing and catching up (now that we ALL live in different places) and watching football. Love it. (:
I am so thankful for my new job. I seriously was thinking even before I started working on this post how incredibly thankful I am to be in a position that I love and that allows me to spend Christmas break only thinking or planning ahead because I want to and I'm excited... Not because I am so stressed about what is coming up when I get back. That being said, I am also grateful for my experience last year because I'm not sure I would have understood what a blessing this is without it!
I would love some prayers for my sweet old man "puppy". To keep a long story short, we left him to be taken care back home, and he was hurt this week. Even though I know he is a dog (vs a child), I have been so upset that I left him in a situation I wasn't a hundred percent comfortable with and now I can't be there for him. Maybe pray for both of us?
Looking back on my year and thinking about all that I have... There is not a single thing that I truly NEED.
After I finished my challenging year, I knew one way this school year could improve was by taking care of myself. So I did the Advocare 24 day challenge and pulled my act together. I have lost 23ish pounds from my first challenge and about 30 from my heaviest weight during last school year... And I feel awesome. Not just because of my clothes fitting (some are even too big now?!), but because my skin feels good and I don't feel greasy and I rarely have tummy troubles (which now I can almost always track back to an abundance of friiiiiied food). But now I need to get my exercise on. My primary exercise involves walking the dogs... That's better than the nothing I was doing previously, but being an ex-athlete, I know I can do way better. I'm debating CrossFit. Thoughts on that?
My goal last year was to make $50 on TPT. I didn't achieve the goal, but I also didn't work very hard at it last about... February. Oops. So maybe I will push up on that.
Last, I hope and pray and wish that my family and I will remain happy and healthy this year. I think it's going to be our best one yet!