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20 June 2014

5 for Friday: June 20

This week, I got crafty making a care package for a friend who is spending the next 9 months in the big ol' sandbox. It was super fun to make a box to send to a GIRL because I felt like I could anticipate wants and needs a little better. ;)

I started teaching swim lessons this week and I'm having a blast being nerdy and incorporating learning to swim and academic skills. For example, I'm having the little nuggets dive for "wishing stones" from the teacher Dollar Store. The stones have letters on them and the first one to spell a word wins. Or, they're swimming "perfect strokes" to grab sponges with numbers and then making number sentences. #Parentsloveme, I tell ya what. And thus far, the kiddos have been duped into believing thIs is all just a game! ;)

I made my sub tub last week. It's got about three days worth of work that a sub can pull and easily guide students through in the event that I couldn't plan on being out. Love this little guy! Year two is looking better already!

I knoooooow they recommend that you only weight on days 1, 11, and 24... but when you see nice things, it is not as traumatic a lot more fun. Check out my graph for the past 11 days!*

*yes, i cut it off a little... maybe i will get brave a share the actual numbers at some point, but just check out that pretty little trend line!
I am excited to be visiting LA in a few weeks- any fantastic ideas for what to do?!? We're definitely planning on doing some of the touristy stuff, but would love to do some fun local things as well!

* PS- I am NOT getting any kind of payment to talk about these products (because oddly, no one contacted me to advertise on my blog that gets about 10 page views a day)... I also don't sell them... I am just a wee bit pleased with the results.


  1. Go you! Yay for that pretty line! My scale is totally broken so I just measure the same two spots around my waist to determine if I'm loosing. So far so good! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? Keep up the awesome work!

    Teaching with Grace

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment, Jennifer! My goal for the next 14 days is NOT get on the scale. I was little down because I didn't see quite the weight loss I was hoping for, but when I measured I'd lost 3" off my waist and 5" off my belly... So that's a wonderful feeling! Thanks again for the cheerleading! (:

  2. I love MFP too! So fun to see the progress!

    1. I know! They have a way of making that graph look pretty no matter what! ;)
