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03 August 2013

Currently August

Linking up with Farley!

The Bobby Bones show is my main jam. I listened to it pretty much every morning on a top 40 station when I lived in Gtown and then it moved to a nationally syndicated country show my senior year, which was... AWESOME because I love love country music. I am a freak and could talk about this little radio show like I am besties with the hosts.

Um, hi KG Fonts, where have you been all my life? So cute and so free. 'Nough said.

I am jonesin for a red velvet bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes with extra cream cheese icing. Too bad the closest one is back in civilization, aka two and a half hours away from here. I wonder if they take orders...?

My classroom has a very, um, cheery paint job right now. I could see it working in another setting, but it kind of makes my head hurt and I'm going for a caaaaalm atmosphere in my self-contained room. Maybe I can just wish some pretty blueygrey paint onto the walls.

I need a pedicure stat. I dropped a filing cabinet (well, really a dolly with said cabinet) on my big toe. Minor physical damage, but it took the top layer off most of my toe nail. Not cute. And that big ol hater Bennett (aka my husband) keeps making fun of it.

I just did a little back to school must haves post, so I'll keep it brief. This little lady needs a coffee mug that won't spill on my excursion to work every morning, flair pens, sharpies, and shimmer BICs for a variety of... organizational needs, and my Vera lanyard (somehow I found three of those puppies stashed away in my house...) for my ID and keys.


  1. Hey!
    I just linked up after you, I love my Vera Bradley lanyard! We have to wear an I.D. all day, so at least it's cute right?? I hope you get one!


    1. That's my thinking! I am in such a small town, we may not have to wear IDs, but I've got three Veras ready for action if need be. (:

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ohh! Vera Bradley...I want one of her lunch boxes! A matching lanyard is a great idea. I'm your newest follower!

    Mandy :0)
    Mandelina's Madness

    1. Oh girl, I have the rectangle zip around Vera lunch box and it is perfect (for keeping things cold AND potion control... lol!).

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    Visit my blog
    to find out how to accept!

